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NOTE:  The due date of personal tax returns for 2022 tax year is Monday, April 17, 2023.  Note that extensions will extend the date to file by 6 months (October 16, 2023).  Extensions do not extend the due date of taxes being paid.  Interest (and possible penalties) will be charged on unpaid taxes until the return is filed and taxes are paid.

Our home office remains open by appointment only.   Our offices are NOT open to the General Public.   We ask anyone exhibiting flu or cold like symptoms to schedule their appointments after their symptoms are gone for their own safety and that of our staff members.

We would like to offer an expansion of our remote preparation services to our Clients which many already use:

  1. Gather all of your documents as usual.
  2. If you have access to computers with scanning or faxing abilities you can send them to our offices for processing. 
  3. Please contact our office prior to sending documents for email or fax info.  We do not open attachments from unknown sources.
  4. We do not open attachments from unknown sources.
  5. If you cannot fax or scan, mail (Priority Mail or other shipper where signatures are required is preferred) to our office for processing.
  6. We will complete your returns, email signature forms and invoices (password protected), and then mail your completed returns back to you (signatures required.)

Please stay safe and look out for those in need around you. 

Carey and Lauren Morgan